Sick of Getting Nothing but Blue Transmat Effects
Harry Potter: I... I just disapparated, didn't I?
Dumbledore: Indeed. Quite successfully too, if I might add. Most people vomit the first time.
Harry Potter: Can't imagine why.
Teleporter Accident is when teleportation goes awry and something nasty happens. But teleportation isn't always nice even when it works. Often, it's traumatic for the characters teleported. After all, you're perhaps being disassembled into your component particles and reassembled elsewhere, sent through scary hyperspace, or blasted with some serious magic. In any case, you are at least instantly moved to a completely different location in a way that is never part of the normal course of things for most physical beings. This trope is when teleportation works the normal way, but it still causes some kind of negative effects on those transported. An inversion of motion sickness, as it were.
Typical symptoms include nausea, disorientation and weakness. The few extreme cases are much worse and tend to have permanent effects. Sometimes only affects some individuals or members of some groups and not others, and it can be just a matter of being accustomed to it. If one character has the ability to effect the teleportation, others tend to cope with it worse than that character — possibly for the same reason that drivers don't get motion sickness, but passengers do.
This is usually much milder than the effects of a teleporter accident, because if things like that happened when things go right, teleportation would be kind of useless. Then again, some works take that concept and run with it — teleportation really isn't that handy, because it's dangerous.
There is a hazy transition to and an overlap with Teleporter Accident in some cases — for example if a teleporter's normal functioning is so rough on the passenger that they must shield themselves against it, and they suffer an accident because they don't. But if the unpleasant effect is caused by an outright malfunctioning of the teleportation method, it is a Teleporter Accident but not this.
Sub-Trope on Teleportation with Drawbacks due to limiting rapid repeatingability.
Compare Temporal Sickness, Resurrection Sickness.
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Anime & Manga
- A Certain Magical Index: Awaki Musujime has a trauma involving a Teleporter Accident in her childhood. As a result, her powerful teleportation abilities are offset by three seconds, and she has great difficulty in teleporting herself, becoming heavily nauseous and fatigued afterwards. Later on, to balance this out, GROUP provides her with a massage device to relieve her trauma whenever she uses her abilities.
- In Maoyu, the Hero can teleport. If he takes someone with him, they tend to get nauseous if they aren't used to it.
Card Games
- Magic: The Gathering:
- Planeswalkers can take other beings along with them when moving across dimensions. However, it causes a strong nausea to said beings. It's not too nice for the Planeswalker, either.
- Acts as a limiting game mechanic, which was at one point referred to as Summoning Sickness. Creatures cannot attack or tap the turn they are played. The Haste ability prevents this, and noncreatures aren't affected.
Comic Books
- In Avengers: The Children's Crusade, Speed uses his super-speed to vibrate his teammates out of a building through the wall. The experience is apparently... unpleasant.
- Cloak and Dagger: Cloak teleports by moving through a "darkforce dimension" that preys on people's psyches. He can take people with him, but it's a very unpleasant trip if his partner Dagger isn't around to ameliorate the effects.
- In a Doctor Who Eighth Doctor comic, it's commented that the first time anyone transmats is quite nauseating. Unusual because it's explicitly stated it only happens on your first time.
- Every time the Exiles teleport to a new reality, the process is shown to be taxing, even more so without a natural teleporter in the group. New members often end up vomiting on their first reality hop.
- Detective Deena Pilgrim of Powers vomits every time that she's teleported. Unfortunately, that's not the worst of it: if someone even teleports in close proximity to her, she gets sick also.
- In Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Collide, Sonic gets to experience Mega Man's teleportation. His thoughts on it? "I...I never want to do that again."
- In Superman storyline The Hunt for Reactron, after being teleported to Metropolis by the sorceress Mirabai, Supergirl, Nightwing and Flamebird feel so tired and sick that they collapse. Nightwing openly states he feels like crap.
- In The Transformers Megaseries, the Transformers occasionally express discomfort after performing an orbital bounce. The effect is much worse for organics: the shock of teleporting this way kills Jimmy Pink and Verity Carlo, though Ratchet manages to revive them.
- In Watchmen, other people teleported by Dr. Manhattan don't always take to it so well. Laurie (Silk Spectre) always has to vomit afterwards, and some of the rioters he sent to their homes suffered heart attacks from the sudden change of surroundings. Averted with Rorschach for whatever reason, since he doesn't even notice having been teleported until looking around.
- Nightcrawler from X-Men has the ability to teleport, which leaves people he takes with him who are not used to it disoriented. The reason for this is that whenever he teleports, he goes through a dimension that is actively hostile to human life (that's where the smoke comes from). Some stories have indicated that this dimension is literal Hell, explaining why it's so unbearable to humans. He's built up an endurance to it, while people he teleports offensively usually haven't. He's been known to use this offensively by grabbing someone and teleporting around a few times to disorient them (some other teleporters prefer to use Tele-Frag instead). However, early in his career, teleporting with a passenger caused "murderous" strain (as he described it) on both. And during the first 37 issues of Excalibur, Nightcrawler was still recovering from the wounds he sustained in the Mutant Massacre, meaning that his own body was even less up to handling the strain of a teleport than any passengers would be. During that period, Kurt needed need at least 24 hours to recover between teleports; trying to do it twice in the same day would be life-threatening.
Fan Works
- Dungeon Keeper Ami: In A Promotion, it is said that "vampire teleportation ... rather disagrees with a living body.", as previously seen as "dry heaves" in Mukrezar's Return, which presumably would have been vomiting, if the user did not have an empty stomach.
- The Horned King's teleportation spell is physically draining over a long distance in Hope for the Heartless.
- Ma'at: In Chapter 3, after teleportation, possibly due to suddenly moving outside from inside, the teleported felt "an instant of disorientation".
- The Myst Journals, a fan-fic/walkthrough of the first Myst game has the main character black out whenever he uses a linking book. However, as he gets used to linking, this eventually lessens to mere nausea and disorientation and eventually goes away entirely.
- Stallions Of Harmony Verse has Big Macintosh, who really can't get used to is whenever Prince Blueblood does it.
- In the Triptych Continuum, being teleported makes most earth ponies sick and disoriented, as the transition though the between temporarily severs the usually-innate connection between the earth and the one thus transported. Earth ponies with very little feel — or none at all — do not experience this.
Films — Live-Action
- Harry Potter:
- Dumbledore mentioning in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince that people usually vomit the first time they apparate is the page quote
- Jacob Kowalski feels sick after he and Newt use a portkey to travel to Paris in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.
- In Jumper, the protagonist has the power to teleport at will. At some point, he "Jumps" while holding his girlfriend, taking her with him. Afterwards, she experiences heavy dizziness and disorientation.
- Marvel Cinematic Universe: In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, after Doctor Strange's first tumble through the Multiverse thanks to America Chavez, he at first insists that he's fine, but then promptly vomits. America mentions that it can happen the first few times one is exposed to her power.
- In The One, inter-dimensional teleportation looks very uncomfortable and causes everyone teleported to become incapacitated for a time. Even the superhuman villain Yulaw becomes helpless, which seems to be the main plot purpose of this feature, as it allows him to be arrested without any further fuss. However, it appears to require him only a few minutes to recover and return to full strength. At the end, when he is sent to a Penal Colony universe and has to fight off waves of other convicts, he appears to do so effortlessly only moments after coming to.
- In Star Trek Beyond, McCoy goes through a cargo transporter that was just converted to handle living beings. He's not harmed, but he does comment about his innards feeling like "they just went to a barn dance."
- Ashes of Empire: When a starship moves into or out of hyperspace, the crew experiences nausea. If a ship has poorly-maintained hyperdrives (or, during Imperial Sunset, has thrown the safety regs out of the airlock in a desperate attempt to reach Lyonesse before the reivers attack), the nausea is much worse.
- Dean Koontz's The Bad Place: Accumulated reassembly errors in teleportation and the complications from same happen to Frank Pollard. He figures out a way to weaponize this against his brother "Candy", to save the Dakotas from being murdered, although this results in his death as well.
- In The Ring of Solomon, a Bartimaeus book, it's mentioned that spontaneous matter transfer, which only extremely powerful spirits can effect, results in one's becoming nauseous. Bartimaeus notes that the fact that Queen Balkis is able to endure it without vomiting is a sign of good breeding.
- Bounders: Bounding is always an unpleasant experience, but it's worse for some people than for others. Auxiliary Officer Wade Johnson was unable to become a full aeronaut partly because bounding makes him vomit.
- The Childe Cycle has a variant of this. In the stories, FTL travel is done using a "phase-shift drive", allowing for a ship to instantly travel from one point to another. However, there are side effects that cause people to feel physically ill. People need to take medication, and repeated multiple jumps can be lethal.
- CoDominium:
- The use of Alderson Drive allows ships to instantly transverse from star to star. The downside is that after using the drive, people and computers suffer from "Jump Shock", in which they are greatly disoriented, and trying to use either before recovering can result in a potentially fatal error.
- In The Mote in God's Eye and its sequel The Gripping Hand, the Alderson Drive's disorienting of computers and humans also affects Moties, though much more strongly, to the point of suicidal or homicidal thoughts.
- In Stephen King's The Dark Tower novel, when Roland and friends go through a barely-working high-tech teleporter, they feel dizzy and start vomiting on the other side.
- In the Deryni books, using Transfer Portals provokes this kind of disoriented feeling, often described as the floor tipping away in a blur from under the traveler's feet. It's usually highlighted when a character is introduced to using a Portal. Kelson experiences his first trip in Deryni Rising as " a sickening wrench in the pit of his stomach, a fleeting impression of falling, a slight dizzy sensation."
- Doctor Who Expanded Universe: There's a novel where the Ninth Doctor and Rose find a Neanderthal on the loose in modern-day London. When trying to send him back with the TARDIS, he doubles over in extreme pain, and the Doctor is forced to leave him in the 21st century for good, explaining that unshielded time machines destabilize molecules (or something like that), and a second trip on any time machine would be fatal. It turns out that the time machine used to send the Neanderthal boy to the future is ''steam''-powered (it came from a time in the future when a huge EMP wave from a space battle fried any advanced technology and lingered for a few centuries, requiring people to turn to alternative technology). The Big Bad of the novel doesn't know this effect of her time machine and tries to escape with it.
- In the Dragaera books set after the Interregnum, magical teleportation is easy, safe, and relatively cheap. However, almost all Easterners suffer motion sickness when teleported, whereas Dragaerans don't. Some of the other forms of magical transportation used in the series also have side effects, such as dizziness.
- Teleportation in the Dragonriders of Pern series involves going between, which apparently requires passing through a frigid inter-dimensional environment. Unusually, this is often played as a positive thing, as Thread is more vulnerable to cold than are dragons or humans, so Thread-fighters can teleport to destroy any bits of it that stick to their bodies or clothing. On the negative side, there's the possibility of failing to reappear afterwards, or the likelihood of miscarriage for a pregnant woman traveling Between. (Which may also be a side bonus for the woman, depending on the circumstance.) Longer distances involve more time spent between, as does moving through time. When Lessa and Ramoth made their great jump through time to rally the dragonriders to fight Thread, the journey nearly killed them both and they spent a long time recovering afterwards.
- The Gap Cycle: A small fraction of humans, upon first being teleported through the titular Gap, develop a random psychosis known as "gap-sickness". This is why the mind-controlling zone implants are not wholly illegal, because they are sometimes the only way to counteract the effects of gap-sickness and keep someone who has gone out of their mind from killing their crewmates or blowing up the ship.
- All Faster-Than-Light Travel in the Hammer's Slammers books cause cluster headaches because the human mind cannot comprehend moving that fast.
- In Harry Potter, there are three forms of teleportation, and all of them have their unpleasantness.
- The Floo Network, introduced in Chamber of Secrets, travels between fireplaces; it's described as rapid spinning and more than once does Harry end up losing his balance on the receiving end, although he seems to accustom to it over time.
- A Portkey, introduced in Goblet of Fire, is an object enchanted to provide a one-way teleport. It's a bit of a bumpy ride, described as a jerking sensation behind your navel and being flung through the air; most Portkey travelers end up landing unpleasantly on the receiving end.
- Apparating, present throughout the series, is instantaneous transportation anywhere that isn't warded from it, and easily Harry's least favourite method. He describes it as "Being forced through a very small tube"; it makes him low on breath and sick to his stomach. The movie depiction of his first Apparition serves as the page quote.
- Heralds of Valdemar
- Anyone with strong telekinesis (called "Fetching" in-universe) can move living things, including themselves. It apparently feels like a lurching sensation and is rather unpleasant for the passenger.
- An Adept-class mage can create a Gate to any location he knows well. Even under ideal circumstances, the person being gated will be disoriented. The "Jumping" ability used by Firecats is shorter-range, and comes with cumulative nausea — after a series of speed-Jumps from eastern Hardorn to Haven, a Valdemaran healer thinks Karal has contracted a stomach bug because he's vomiting so much.
- In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Ford tells Arthur Dent to take alcohol and peanuts to help shield his system against the shock of getting teleported out. In the video game, failing to do so results in a long spiel about how you died in transit. Teleportation is also described as "unpleasantly like being drunk."
- In Stephen King's short story "The Jaunt", a kid manages to avoid his sedative before transport, and experiences a seemingly infinite period of time while in transit, driving him insane.
- In Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Childermass suffers from teleportation sickness when Lady Pole is around, causing him (or his perceptions) to travel between this world and Faerie.
- Journey to Chaos: Eric always feels ill after teleporting, and the longer the distance the worse he feels. It's a Running Gag, and unfortunately for him, the teleports get longer as the series goes on. It's treated as similar to motion sickness; some people are more sensitive to it than others. No one else has a problem with it.
- In The Long Earth series, "stepping" into a parallel world can cause this, depending on the person. Most of the human population experiences nausea and headaches after stepping, limiting their travel to about one "step" per hour, managed with rest and medication. About a quarter of humanity are "Phobics", who have such bad reactions — seizures, strokes, etc. — that one step can kill them without immediate medical attention. And a rare few "natural" steppers can do it with no strain at all, stepping several times per minute or more.
- Similarly in The Madness Season, it is initially thought that only the Tyr can accomplish intergalactic travel as their method of FTL travel requires temporary death. The Tyr get around that by being part of a Hive Mind consciousness, so even if their bodies die in translation they can simply re-download back to them from the hive mind. (It later turns out there are other ways to get around the light-speed barrier that don't require dying, which is part of what enables the protagonists to rally against the dominion of the Tyr.)
- In Manifold: Space, the Portal Network used by the Gaijin use destructive quantum-level scanning to acquire all the information an object contains, and then beams it to another gate at lightspeed for re-assembly. The scan and reassembly is extremely precise, but errors slowly build up. During Malenfant's journey to the Gaijin homeworld, the dozens of jumps have left him with serious genetic damage, so the Gaijin must call a doctor from Earth and continuously bounce Malenfant between two gates while the doctor is in transit. Madeleine, another traveler, loses the ability to feel pain or even pressure, requiring her to wear a specialized suit to alert her when she is hurting herself.
- Princesses of the Pizza Parlor: The Cool Gates of the Wayhouse Portal Network seem to induce some, as seen in the seventh episode, Princesses in the Darkest Depths, and some of this trope is indicated:
the Wayhouse network's convenience was hampered only by its range. In order to go any appreciable distance, one had to suffer through a daisy chain of transfer points. Few people were willing to pay the cumulative costs, and a larger number of stomachs were unwilling to deal with the stress of so many transfers.
- Staying too long in hyperspace in David Drake's RCN series causes people to experience individual and always different sensory hallucinations. One time you may feel as if you have been turned inside out, another you may see alien figures walking around and looking at you.
- In Strata, there's something about a sapient mind that won't go FTL; absolutely will not go FTL. It's called "Soul lag" since whatever it is triggers apocalyptic despair.
- Timeline: Because the time travel device in Michael Crichton's story is slightly less than perfect at reassembling travelers' molecules, the tiny imperfections a traveler accumulates through repeated usage can eventually add up to serious medical problems; e.g. the character who suffers a fatal heart attack because segments of his veins no longer match up with one another.
- Tower and the Hive: Originally, it was believed that "Prime Talents" (the most powerful of all telepaths/telekinetics) suffered from extreme disorientation and sickness when teleporting extremely long distances, which would leave them traumatized afterward. Later it turns out there is no such sickness: the first Prime Talent to teleport interstellar distances, Siglen, happened to have an inner ear condition that acted up during the teleportation, which she assumed had to be a drawback of her Prime abilities. She was responsible for training the next few Primes that appeared, and made such a huge deal about this that they began psychologically suffering the same symptoms despite not having the same condition. Only when a Prime Talent who wasn't trained by Siglen appears and effortlessly teleports himself from Deneb to the Sol System does the truth come out.
- Warhammer 40,000: In Sandy Mitchell's Ciaphas Cain novel The Emperor's Finest, Cain (THE HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!) and Jurgen are teleported over what is probably a few kilometers, and Cain spends a week in sickbay to recover from the warp exposure (which Jurgen shrugs off in less than a day). It is said that the Space Marines who own the teleporter employ shielding devices in their armor to prevent this effect. Cain and Jurgen were not expecting to teleport and had no such protection.
Live-Action TV
- Arrowverse: Whenever Barry Allen, aka the Flash uses his superspeed to zip other people around, they tend to be just a little bit disoriented, but none the worse for wear. John Diggle, aka Spartan, on the other hand, always throws up whenever Barry speeds him anywhere.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy and Dawn are both strongly affected by Willow teleporting them from a cemetery to the Magic Box at the end of season six.
- Doctor Who:
- In "The Talons of Weng-Chiang", 51st century dictator Magnus Greel managed to escape to the past using "zygma energy", a dead-end technology based on a faulty theory of physics, which left him maimed at the cellular-genetic level.
- "The Sound of Drums": The Doctor, Martha and Jack are all nauseated after using Jack's vortex manipulator (though Jack himself has had worse nights, apparently). Later appearances of Vortex manipulators largely ignore this; it's possible that it wasn't because of the device itself, but because they were using it to transport more than one person.
- On Fringe, the teleporter David Robert Jones uses to escape from prison causes severe damage to his body, due to the need to reassemble all his body's molecules on arrival. He takes precautions, like spending weeks in a hyperbaric chamber after the escape, yet by the end of the season he's still disfigured and dying. Interestingly, this grants him certain powers, such as being immune to bullets.
- In Sanctuary, John Druitt's teleportation power causes his brain chemistry to slightly alter each time he uses it, gradually turning him into a raving-mad homicidal lunatic. This is Ret Coned later as having picked up a "hitchhiker" during one teleportation, which affects his sanity.
- Stargate:
- Initially, the Stargate in both Stargate the film and Stargate SG-1 causes extreme disorientation when used for travel. The TV show removed this element and explained that the effect was due to poorly calculated coordinates of older gate addresses. In addition, when first stepping through, Daniel was covered in frost and shivering, explained as a side effect of having your molecules being put back together. The soldiers helping Daniel up and reassuring him after he comes out of the gate is also one of the only times in the film's first half where they are nice to him. Probably because they just went through the same thing a few seconds ahead of him.
- The pilot episode of Stargate Universe has a variation: due to the extremely long distance traveled, the travelers come out at a slightly higher velocity than they had when they entered. This results in a massive pileup as people and supplies and equipment are sent tumbling through the gate right behind the ones who just hit the ground, not having time to find out the conditions of the other side first.
- In Star Trek: Enterprise: We meet the inventor of Starfleet's transporter: Emory Erickson. He's forced to use a wheelchair, and his back has several gruesome deformities, which stem from using the new, Sub-Quantum Transpporter, which has a flawed design.
- Star Trek: The Next Generation:
- Hypochondriac Lt. Barclay is very uncomfortable with the transporters. At one point he thinks he has Transporter Psychosis, which hasn't been around in half a century.
- In the episode "The High Ground", terrorists are using a form of dimensional jump (not a standard transporter) that bypasses normal space and so cannot be blocked or shielded against. The problem is that nothing that makes the jump comes through 100% perfect — there's always a tiny bit of distortion that after more than a few jumps scrambles people's DNA enough to make them terminally ill.
- One of the Expanded Universe books has Dr. McCoy stumble after rematerializing, and complaining that the transporter tech failed to beam him onto level ground. Spock replies that McCoy would have been fine if he didn't insist on rocking back and forth on his feet on the transporter pad.
- On Star Trek: Discovery, Lieutenant Stamets uses himself as the navigator for the experimental "spore drive" that allows the titular Cool Starship to teleport itself anywhere in the known galaxy. The initial effects are a sense of mellowness and other odd behavior that come across as a low-grade Mushroom Samba (which it kinda is, as the drive uses fungal spores to travel an intergalactic mycelial network); as he keeps navigating the network, however, he becomes increasingly disoriented until one particularly bad jump overwhelms him and leaves him delirious.
- Supernatural:
- When an angel teleports someone there may be unintended consequences. Dean mentions at one point that after one such teleportation "he couldn't poop for a week".
- A variant occurs in "The Song Remains the Same", when Castiel takes Sam and Dean back in time to save their parents from a rogue angel. They get to their destination safely, and Sam and Dean are both fine, but Castiel took a significant power hit getting them there and ends up with a Psychic Nosebleed and Blood from the Mouth, rendering him too sick to help them any further.
- Number 5 realizes that Klaus has been time-travelling in The Umbrella Academy when he notices his symptoms such as jet lag and a severe headache.
Tabletop Games
- BattleTech: Almost everyone suffers from some degree of nausea and dizziness or vertigo after a Kearney-Fuchida Drive jump. The majority of cases only last for a few minutes but between nine and fifteen percent of the population suffer from Transit Disorientation Syndrome
, where the effects are so acute as to be incapacitating for anything from from a few hours to one to two days after a hyperspace jump, with a few extra-severe cases causing hallucinations or delusions. Enduring two jumps in quick succession will leave sufferers unconscious or catatonic for a week or more, and there's some anecdotal evidence that a Mis Jump can significantly exacerbate the symptoms. Fortunately, medication exists that can keep symptoms down to a manageable level. For reasons unknown in-universe, every Artificial Intelligence that's ever been entrusted with a jump-capable ship suffers from something very like TDS but far, far worse: They emerge from the jump with their code irreparably and terminally corrupted, with the only known method of preventing this being to shut the AI down completely and complete the jump using the secondary systems.
- Dungeons & Dragons:
- The 2nd edition's Complete Psionic Handbook has some teleportation powers causing severe disorientation on a low roll. Even the basic dimension door results in being dazed on arrival.
- Edition 3.5 has almost any translocation leading to short disorientation during which travelers are unable to act. The tactical effect is that setting an ambush at a likely destination to catch or slaughter arrivals in "teleport afterdaze" is a no-brainer, which gives teleporting people one more reason to scry on the exit unless they're sure this can't happen in the place they chose. It also prevents the party from simply teleporting straight into the lair of the Big Bad they're facing and unloading everything they've got before the villain has a chance to react.
- The psionic power of Teleportation in Classic Traveller. Long range teleports caused disorientation for 20-120 seconds. Changing altitude also had negative effects: each change in altitude of 1 kilometer up or down lowered or increased body temperature by 2.5 degrees Centigrade.
- Warhammer 40,000 has this, in addition to the various Teleporter Accidents and, y'know, the fact that teleportation involves going through Hell really fast and hoping nothing notices. This seems proportional to the distance, as short-ranged teleportation apparently has little to no health effects.
Video Games
- The Nurse from Dead by Daylight will enter a brief state of fatigue after every use of her power that will increase in duration depending on how many blinks you chained or if you initiated an attack immediately after.
- When discussing the upcoming randomly generated magic system
in Dwarf Fortress, Tarn Adams said that teleportation could lead to a person being nauseous for a week and losing a quarter of their blood.
- When the Hero of Oakvale is teleported by Maize in the original Fable, he doubles over and pukes.
- Final Fantasy XIV:
- At one point in "Endwalker", the Warrior of Light, Thancred, and Urianger must take a trip to another continent with a proto-type aetheryte. Normally, one can simply travel to any given aetheryte and attune it, but as none of them had ever been to that continent before and time was of the essence, they used the proto-type to get there. The scientist warned that they may experience some aether sickness upon arrival, but it becomes clear that she undersold the effect as all 3 are knocked flat on their asses seconds after arriving and can barely move for a while without risking throwing up.
- During the Fisher role quests for the Studium, the Warrior of Light is partnered with T'laqa Tia, a scientist with a condition that causes him to experience aether sickness upon attempting any manner of aether manipulation (simply attuning to an aetheryte is enough to make him throw up). At one point, he needs to travel to Thavnair and is forced to use the aforementioned proto-type. You arrive after the worst of his sickness had passed, but it was apparently a disgusting sight to behold. It also apparently caused him to hallucinate in the process.
- The Corridors of Darkness in Kingdom Hearts are a sort-of Portal Network that allows transportation through the Realm Of Darkness to other worlds at the risk of the Darkness eating at the (metaphysical) hearts of the travelers, either turning them evil or into The Heartless. One way to avoid this effect is wear a certain type of black cloak that several characters sport while Keyblade Wielders have Instant Armor that serves a similar purpose when traveling between worlds. Certain individuals have an immunity to this effect either because they have no hearts (Nobodies like the members of Organization XIII, who sport the black cloaks mentioned despite not having hearts except they can grow hearts as revealed in Dream Drop Distance ) or the Princesses of Heart because they possess no darkness in their hearts to begin with. Even with this immunity, it's hard to imagine traveling through a Swirly Energy Thingy made of Pure Darkness to be remotely pleasant.
- Knights of Pen and Paper 2: The player party has summoning sickness for their first fight, soon after being summoned to Spawn Point Village.
- In Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals, the party teleports with a ship captain who doesn't know and isn't used to magic, and who comes out of it disoriented. It's compared with seasickness, which the captain finds insulting (as, being used to sea travel, he never experiences seasickness.)
- In Minecraft, the player can throw an Enderpearl (dropped by the Teleport Spaming Endermen) in order to be teleported to where it lands — but it does 2 1/2 hearts worth of damage in the process.
- In Pink Panther's Passport to Peril, when the Pink Panther is about to be send on his mission with the help of a Teleport Gun, he tries to bail out, stating that the last time he travelled that way he needed three days to overcome the teleportion sickness. His boss uses the ray on him anyway. Fortunately for Pink, this time the sickness only lasts a few seconds.
- Team Fortress 2: The plot of Expiration Date follows our mercenaries who, after watching the teleporters' effect on bread, have only a few days to live, due to being riddled with tumors. Ends up being subverted, however; it affects bread, but only bread. It does, however, turn it rather monstrous if teleported too often.
- Terraria 1.2 introduced the Rod of Discord that allowed you to teleport anywhere on screen. nerfed this HARD. Every teleport gives you a Chaos State debuff that lasts for ten seconds and teleporting before it wears off results in massive, unblockable damage. It also removed the ability to teleport into the Lihzarhd temple.
- Teleporting in Unreal Tournament is stated to be damaging in the long run. While teleportation is stated to be a safety measure for miner (who carry the device with them and put the beacon in a safe place) The translocator disassembles the entire organism and rebuilds it instantly where the beacon is placed. This induces paranoia, bouts of rage, and violent behaviour. Repeated translocation induces "artifacts of synaptic disruption in the biological snapshot of the individual", and ultimately to Teleportation Related Dementia (TReD). Minor leagues have to limit the use of translocators to prevent such problems from becoming too prevalent among participants. In-game, however, there is no consequence for using the teleporter many times.
Web Animation
- Red vs. Blue:
- There's a running gag where Tucker's always singed (turning his armor black) whenever he uses a teleport. This only happens to other characters once, and afterward it only ever happens to Tucker.
- During their time on Chorus, the teleportation cubes (or "Future Cubes") have a tendency to induce nausea in the users. Caboose has described it as feeling like his insides were just outside.
Sarge: Today is a good day to— [teleported] ...sit down for a minute and just have a rest, cause' think I'm gonna throw up.
- In Super-Showdown-Bowl!, while most movie characters handle being teleported by Mr. Manhattan just fine, Lex Luthor ends up vomiting every time.
Web Comics
- Jon of Errant Story describes
going though a warp gate as like "being brutally sodomized by rapid monkeys hyped up on drugs" but describes using a travel platform as more like "walking peacefully down a hallway."
- In Flaky Pastry, traversing an Elfgate is described as having generally rare and mild side effects... though some people may be more affected than other. Right on cue, Marelle is throwing up after their bus has gone through.
- Karin-dou 4koma: Tamaryu's entire class collapses with nausea after Seren mass-teleports them, with the exception of Tamaryu and Elly, who are used to it.
- In Marble Gate Dungeon, newbie adventurer Colleen vomits after crossing the teleportation portal sending them back to town for the first time. Randulf warns her a teeny bit too late. Apparently a common occurrence, as the mage council that welcomes them back have an intern with a mop at the ready.
- Known in Our Little Adventure as "Dirty Warping". Due to Merla's fear of a powerful hostile closing in on them, she teleports Lenny, Julie, and herself not-so-nicely to a safer area. She is off target, causing herself and Lenny to get sickened, as well as some minor "scrambling" injuries to all three of them.
- In Roommates and its Spin-Off Girls Next Door Erik doesn't take teleportation too well (it's probably at least disorienting for the others as well, but he has the most violent reaction). This is why they tend to travel the more conventional way
- Parodied in Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal #3834
, where a man claims to have invented a teleportation device that appears to be actually a bottle of liquor: "You have only to raise it to your face to be instantaneously transported to the alley behind Taco Bell." In the additional punchline behind the red button below the comic, he's shown saying that teleportation is nauseating. Well, it would be.
- In Under The Lemon Tree (and rerun in Goblin Hollow), the tulpas/goblins once teleported with Ben. He said, "Hoo, that was interesting. Let's never do that again." (Page 168 and 169
- Unsounded: Downplayed with Bastion's "Offsetting", which transports him — and only him — through the Background Magic Field. Since any food he's digesting gets left behind, frequent use leaves him a bit sickly and malnourished.
Web Original
- Whateley Universe: From Out on a Tether
White Diamond's method of teleporting was different from mine...and a lot rougher on my system, which I proved by bending over and puking all over the ground.
Web Videos
Western Animation
- Batman has an aversion to boom tubes in Justice League because they make him sick whenever he uses them. Terry McGinnis has the same reaction.
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:
- Twilight Sparkle uses teleportation frequently, and it sometimes has this effect. In part two of the pilot, she comes out slightly dizzy after teleporting herself a few feet, the first time we see her do it. In "The Ticket Master", she does a kind of reverse of Dr. Manhattan's "Leave me alone!" moment and accidentally teleports herself and Spike back to their home to escape an overly-friendly mob. Twilight is momentarily disoriented, but Spike comes out dazed and singed. Later, she seems to have mastered the ability to such a degree that she's no longer affected by it, and can teleport with such convenience she can use Teleport Spam just to hold a conversation. In "Dragon Quest", Twilight teleports her entire group an undefined large distance (at least several dozen miles, and likely much farther) and none of her friends appear to have any ill effects from it. Twilight herself is visibly exhausted by the feat, but does not appear otherwise incapacitated.
- In "No Second Prances", when Starlight Glimmer teleports Trixie to safety, Trixie is left disoriented, slurs her words, and faints.
- Teen Titans: Beast Boy ends up feeling cold after Raven uses her magic to get into the Gordanians' ship. He earns a Death Glare from Raven, and tries to recover quickly.
- Humans using the Autobot Ground-Bridge have this reaction in Transformers: Prime, although it gets easier with repeat trips.
Jack: That'll take some getting used to.
Agent Fowler: I think I'm gonna toss the breakfast I ate back in flight school. - In Wakfu, if you're neither a dragon nor an Eliatrope, going through Yugo's dimensional portals results in the loss of your most recent meal, as Ruel, Sadlygrove and later Amalia all experience once.
- In the episode "Hunting Grounds" from Wolverine and the X-Men, Nightcrawler and his sort-of-but-not-quite love interest Scarlet Witch find themselves trapped in one of Mojo's "games", pitting them against his foot soldiers and (later) a mind-controlled, feral Wolverine. Fearing Wanda's safety, Kurt performs a series of teleports to cover ground. After several, Wanda collapses to her knees and asks Kurt to stop for the time being, as her stomach was "two teleports back".
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